Monday 7 September 2009

Theory Lesson WOOD


Soft wood : Coniferous, Larch. Spruce, scots Pine, Douglas Fir

  • Evergreens
  • Grows faster

Hardwoods: Deciduous, Ash, oak, Beach, Teak, Walknut

  • Slower growing,
  • Leaves
  • Expensive

Structure of wood:

  • Wood is fibrous with fiber running along the length.
  • Full of moisture.


  • Cutting down the tree.


  • cutting the trunk
  • Slab sawn, use of the whole tree, more likely to bend and warp
  • Quarter sawn, lots of excess wodd not being used. less likely to deform over time.


  • Reducing moisture content, 70% of a tree is made up of water
  • Natural
  • Kiln seasoning

Board Preparation:

  • Sawing to size.
  • Planed all round, PAR
  • Quarter Sawn.


  • Physical strength: Timber is a much stronger along the grain than across it.
  • Aesthetic properties: Colour, Complex or simple grain structure.
  • Moisture content: Shrinkage, Timber movement
  • Protection: Dry and wet rot; insect attack.
  • Operating conditions: Where will the time be used?
  • Cost: Hardwood = expensive softwood = cheaper.
  • Sustainability: using timber for sustainable sources.
  • Sizes of board: wood can come in a variety of different sizes.

FSC: Forestry Stewardship Council, Tree protection agency.

Saturday 5 September 2009

I wish i had never bought!

Being young and venerable to the 21st century, all the latest technology grasps your eye at every glance, especially the phone industry. Last year around the month of July, I purchased a new LG Viewty mobile phone that I researched for months to find all the pros and cons, but could only find pros. I was attracted by the modern curves, the magnificent 5 megapixel camera and of course the fact that it was a touch screen phone. Being as I am a big fan of technology I was very happy to flaunt my phone about and show my friends my new purchase. After a few weeks the near flawless phone in my mind began to let its sides down and shown its true colours. The fast mobile interface was slacking and even pressing a letter to send a text would appear after 2 seconds of you typing the word, Dust collected under the screen that was highly visible as the screen is the main feature of a phone. Curves in my mind where very nice on my phone but after being in my pocket along with keys and money they soon became jagged edges. Phones are a very difficult piece of technology to keep up-to-date with ,and once you have one you love it for a short amount of time until you find all the flaws. I guess maybe I should read into things a lot more before I make a hefty investment in a new phone. The LG Viewty that was a beauty to look at, soon became a drab boring piece of equipment that is an embarrassment to the pockets of my jeans!